
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cheesy and Creamy Au Gratin Potatoes

This recipe is one of my favorite side dishes to make. It is relatively easy and here is what you will need:

4-6 Potatoes (or if the potatoes are HUGE like the ones I had 2 is plenty.)
1 medium onion chopped
1/4 cup butter
1 tablespoon flour
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
2 cups sharp shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup breadcrumbs (any flavor will work, I used italian breadcrumbs)

Scrub the potatoes clean but do not peel them. Cut them into slices roughly 1/8 inch thick.

Layer the potatoes in a baking dish and set aside.

Melt 1/4 cup butter in a skillet

Add the onions and sauté for about 2 minutes until the onions are soft. Add the flour, salt and pepper and mix together until it bubbles.

Add the 2 cups of milk


Next add 1 1/2 cups of the shredded cheese, bring mixture to a slight boil and keep stirring.

The mixture will thicken and become a yummy cheese sauce

Pour over the potatoes in the baking dish. Place in a 375 degree preheated oven and bake for approximately 45 minutes-1 hour

While the potatoes bake mix together the remaining 1/2 cup cheese and breadcrumbs.

After the 45 minutes- 1 hour take out the potatoes and sprinkle the cheese/breadcrumb mixture on top and place back into the oven for 15-20 minutes

This is what it will look like!!

Yummy!!! I served these with a yummy seasoned pork loan and corn. 

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